Sunday, April 13, 2014

dont buy that! and cut off the.. "i have nothing to wear"

yes my dear ,,
check those tips for a better shopping after that you wont say "i have nothing to wear"
have you ever checked where that t-shirt you liked "made in ..."?
yes it plays a big rule!
some countries are better in making original clothes that wont change size after wearing or change color after washing ..etc.
for example "made in turkey" clothes (most of em) are pretty good! original fabric, good sewing .. on and on
but other "made in" countries aren't very original when it comes to clothing
so be careful when it comes to that
check the fabric pretty well, is it comfy? does it itches when you wear it for example?
check the buttons, are they sewed good? 
check the zipper ..
check the color or the paint on the shirt or jeans ..etc.
does it peels off ?
check every possible thing you can see if it has any problems in it, its pretty easy to spot a mistake in a piece of clothing
where do you most go out/activities ?
are you in high school?
if so then your closet should be full of casual/sporty clothes go ahead and buy some
are you an employee?
if so then your closet should be depending on your work place whether if its formal/casual/sporty ..etc.
this is the most important step is to buy clothes that "fits in"
most of your closet clothes type should be depending on your activities 
say it to yourself "why do you always say I have nothing to wear what is the thing you are running out of?"
don't forget weather too!
if you live in an area that is hot mostly of the year then don't buy that jacket you saw but liked!
fit in with the place you're mostly in and buy suitable clothes for it
don't go very crazy with clothing, do you buy something that you don't usually wear!?
for example you don't like bright colors at all! why would you go and buy something neon .. just because you saw it trendy ..
it isn't bad to follow trends and update your fashion knowledge as well as trying something new but going totally off your style isn't good either ..
its a total waste of money to buy something and not feeling comfortable in it
"buy according to the quality, and the body type you have" 
don't buy something because you saw it good on your friend/sister we all have different body types figure out yours and learn how to dress yourself  

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

ideas .. with white!

incase you haven't noticed its all about white!
its not just in clothes..
white is a very trendy color the last year and this year too
don't tell me,, yes dirt can be seen and it may take a good cleaning between time to time..
but please take a look at this.. TOTALLY WORTH IT
take a look at those amazing room decoration ideas "with white"
 this is a great idea for small rooms storage isn't a problem anymore as you can see above the storage are used as decoration (creative)
 in the opposite of the first pic the picture above is if you have an empty room in the house! the white book shelves (I believe) are from ikea  are used for shoes organizing as well as the idea of putting an office there is a whole new thing
 same idea too simple and so creative you can find the white shelf in ikea I got something like it and it was only for 10$ !!
and whispers: for the clothes hanger pole you can just get a towel rack,, who would ever find out! pc: so creative

Friday, April 4, 2014

random DIYs & how TOs ;)

stylish bun
 illusion for longer hair
 organize your wires
 its a cupcake!
 easy & fast
 butterfly cake
 easy to make pizza


its never too colorful

spring is here!
the other meaning of the word "colors"
if there's only one thing you need to know is that colors are never old fashion..
don't be afraid of putting colors to your outfit
add a life to your closet buy something you never wore before be wild, crazy with colors!
 stay away from nudes, black, greys
especially if you never wore something colorful before
hope for you colorful spring 
with tons of luck too!
your comments and suggestions helps a lot

simple tips for working out!

what do you do before/while/after working out?
you guessed it ..
the things you do before or after even while the workout
definitely affect the results!
you don't want slow results after that sweat! duh
so lets make this clear most of diet and exercising "beginners" out there might workout after a heavy meal .. 
you know why its wrong?
simple the thing is that you have burned the meal you ate calories not the body fat ..
that's why people workout in the morning before breakfast
so a part of losing weight successfully is working out   
   before breakfast
but if you don't want to lose weight you just want to stay healthy and active then working out after a meal isn't a problem
what about the wrong things you do during  a workout ?
a common mistake during working out is that some people stop after 5 minutes "when they get tired" and after another 5 minutes they do it again and then stop again ..Etc.
when you workout your heart rate must be high
so that you sweat, and sweat = weight lose
but if you take a break after you got your heart rate high your heart rate will drop which means you got to start over again ..
not great right?
so put a time goal and hit it with no stopping
do you eat right after a workout ?
if the answer is yes then you got to change that
the thing is that after you workout your body will still be burning calories!
so eating right away isn't a great idea ..
and don't reward yourself with food after working out you're not a dog
instead drink a glass of water and after half and hour you can fill that stomach (with healthy food of course) 
and remember to stay healthy
and stay fit
good luck!

welcome to the fashion world!

hey cupcakes!
interested in fashion ?
you want to know about the latest trends ?
what are the best brands "world wide"?
how to spice up your outfits ?
you think you waste your wallet on the wrong clothes ?

blah blah ...

the thing is that you came to the right place!


everything you need to know, your questions will be answered

 new posts every Friday!